Welcome to the Main Page for IvyScript™!

Ivy’s new College Prep business offers Group and 1:1 Services for 6th-12th grade, Undergraduate, and Graduate Students.

*NEW* IvyScript™ Awards

  • * IvyScript™ Award Donors *

    Support students toward their college dreams today!

    Give $30.00, $50.00, or more to ensure prospective IvyScript™ students receive an invaluable edge for their applications!

  • IvyScript™ Award Interest

    In need of a scholarship to review your essay or application?

    No worries! Use the form below to fill out your information and you will be notified when a donor has sponsored your appointment!

Essay Review

Need a second pair of eyes on your Scholarship Essay or College Application Essay Response?

IvyScript Essay Review is the option for you!

Resource Mapping

Need help to find relevant Scholarships and Financial Support? Want insight on navigating your Financial Aid Office?

IvyScript Resource Mapping is the option for you!

1:1 Application Support

Need guidance on scholarships, writing personal statements, and filling out sections of your Common Application or FAFSA?

IvyScript Application Support is the option for you!

Write a IvyScript™ Service Review Here!

Craft Your Narrative with IvyScript™ today!

Create the Best Version of Yourself with IvyScript™ today!